Friday, 3 September 2010




It is the process by which information is sent and received between

individuals or groups by written messages or by word of mouth.


-It helps traders to keep in touch with each other quickly.

-It helps traders to order and receive goods from their supplier without delay.

-It helps traders to send out and receive important documents without delay.

-It helps traders to find new markets for their products.

=It helps traders to be informed regarding market conditions and needs.

-It helps create an efficient international banking and financial system.



[a] Ordinary Post.

The Post Office provides services for the delivery of different types of mail.

Local mail are letters delivered within the country.

Foreign mail are letters sent to other countries.

First class mail are letters and postcards.

Second class mail are printed papers, newspaper and sample packets.

First class mail and Second class mail can be sent inland or abroad by ordinary letter post at a relatively low cost.

Postal codes are used for inland mail to make sorting and delivery quicker.

[b] Airmail.

The Post Office provides the posting of the first class mail (letters)

and the second class mail (printed materials).

The first class airmail is more expensive and faster then

the second class airmail.

The air letter or aerogramme is becoming popular nowadays

as it speed of delivery and is fairly cheap. It is charge the same rate to any part of the world. However, the writing space is limited and the letter cannot contain enclosures.

[c] Express Delivery Services.

The Post office provides express delivery by local urgent mail and by speed post services.

By local urgent mail, the Post Office offers express delivery of letters at the sender’s request and express delivery of letters at addresee’s request.

By speed post services, the Post Office offers express delivery for urgent documents, packet, samples and other materials overseas.

Urgent letters, documents and parcels can be sent out quickly by a special messenger through Express Mail Service (EMS) or the Speed post (Pos Laju) services.

[d] Registered Post.

All first-class mail can be registered through registered

post to ensure safe delivery, together with compensation for loss.

It is used for sending valuable items like cash as well as documents.

[e] Recorded Delivery.

Recorded delivery gives proof of posting and delivery because

the person named on the envelope (addressee) has to sign for it.

If any loss occurs, the compensation is low.

It is useful for posting legal documents and certificates.

[f] Business Reply Service.

This services uses special envelopes of standard size.

It allows the customers to write to the firm without paying any postage.

The mail order firms who are advertising for their products often use this service.

[h] Parcel Post.

The Post Office offers the delivery of packages or parcels up

to a certain size or weight at home or abroad.

Parcel can be sent by registered post and the contents can

be insured against any damage or loss.

Mail order business depends greatly on this service.

[j] Private Boxes.

This service is provided by the Post Office.

The annual rental fee in Brunei is $40.

Each private box user holds the key to the box.

This enables firms or individuals to collect their mails or letters at any time.


Post office also acts as a ‘paying agent’.

There are three methods by which money can be sent through the post office:-

[i] Money orders

[ii] Postal orders

[iii] Telegraph money orders

The above orders are issued by one post office to another post office for the payment of a certain sum of money to a specified person.

[i] Money Orders.

Money orders are used for sending a large amount of money through the Post Office..

Money order is valid for a period of six months from the last day of the month of issue.

The person who sends money is called the remitter.

The person who receives the money is called the payee.

A money order application form will be filled by the remitter. The remitter has to write the following details on the form:-

[a] the name of the payee

[b] the name of the remitter

[c] the amount both in words and figure

[d] the name of the post office where the payee will collect the money.

Once the money order application form is completed, the post office will give a copy of the form known as ‘counterfoil’ to be kept by the remitter.

It is safe to send money by using money order because:-

[a] the payee has to give the name of the remitter,

[b] the payee has to show his identification card.

The advantages of using money order are:-

[a] it is cheap

[b] it is convenient and easy

[c] it is safe

[ii] Postal Orders.

Postal orders are used for sending small amount payments through the Post Office.

Postal orders are sold in fixed denomination.

The rate of commission will vary with the denomination of postal order.

For example, if a person wants to send a small amount of money to United Kingdom, he/she can use British Postal Orders.

The remitter has to fill in a Postal Order form with the name of the payee and the post office of payment.

[iii] Telegraph Money Order.

A telegraphic money orders are used when a person wishes to sent money urgently through the Post Office.

The post office sends the telegram to the paying office instructing it to pay the amount to the payee and at the same time the payee is informed by telegram to collect the money at the paying office.


The Post Office may also acts as an agent for collecting some payment from the public in the following ways:-

[a] Collect payment of Telephone bill.

[b] Collect payment of Electricity.

[c] Collect payment of Water Bill.

[d] Issues and renewal of Road Tax.

[e] Renewal of Driving License Class I and III.


The telecommunication services in Brunei Darussalam is provided mostly by Telbru.

Another private company that provides telecommunication services in Brunei is the DST.


[a] Telephone.

Telephone is a fast method of direct personal communication which allows firms to contact quickly with other firms at home or abroad.

A person who rents a telephone is called a subscriber.

The place where the all the telephone lines in an area are connected is called the Telephone Exchange.

A telephone call between two persons whose line are connected to the same exchange is called a Local Call.

A telephone call between two persons whose line are connected to a different exchange is called a Trunk Call or IDD Call.

Trunk call is charged according to:-

[i] Distance.

[ii] Time taken by the call.

[iii] Types of call.

[iv] Time of the day

Subscriber Trunk Dialing (STD) allows telephone calls

to be made to home numbers without using the service of operator.

International Direct Dialing (IDD) allows telephone calls to be made to foreign numbers without using the service of operator.

A freefone number requires a firm to pay for any freefone calls it receives which are made through the operator.

A big company especially a hotel have many extension telephone lines which are connected to a switchboard.

A subscriber who is given one line for his own use is said to have a private line.

A subscriber who has to share a line with another subscriber is said to have a party line.

To find out the telephone number of a subscriber, we can refer to the telephone directory.

To find out the list of different types of businesses in alphabetical order for e.g. the Bakery Shop, Travel Agent or Saloon, we can refer to the Yellow Pages in the telephone directory.

To find out the list of all government and quasi-government departments, we can refer to the Blue Pages in the telephone directory.

Advantages of using a telephone

[i] Immediate responses is received from the receiver.

[ii] Communication is direct and personal.

[iii] It is fast and cheap.

Disadvantages of using a telephone

[i] There is no record of the call.

[ii] There is no or limited non-verbal cues as feedback.

[iii] The receiver has to take the call.

[b] Telefax Service (Facsimile Service)

Telefax is the latest development in the field of communication.

Telefax service enables for the sending and receiving of pictures,

drawings, documents, graphics and forms to both local and overseas destinations.

[c] Confravision or Video Conference.

1- The confravision service can link or connect individuals or groups of people in different cities by sound and vision.
2- A face-to-face discussion can take place without the need for the participants to travel long distances.

[d] Television and Radio.

Television and radio help to provide information by broadcasting.

Residents can watch or listen to football match for example through radio and television by using these services.

[g] Electronic mail/ e-mail/ internet service

Electronic mail or e-mail is a system of text messages and their attached files sent through computer networks that are connected to the Internet.

Advantages of Electronic mail

1. It cost of sending messages is cheap.

2. It is fast because messages can be sent instantaneously.

3. It is convenient because files, sound clips and illustrations can be attached to e-mail messages.

4. A single message can be sent to several destinations at the same time.

5. The computer need not be switched on to receive messages.



[a] The nature of the communication.

[b] The number of people that need to be communicated with.

[c] The speed of delivery.

[d] The cost of the method chosen.

[e] The accuracy of the message.

[f] The recording of information.

[g] The safety and security of the message to be delivered.

[h] The confidentiality of the method chosen.

[i] The distance in which the message is to be delivered.

[j] The time of the day.


Post offices are not only for selling stamps and posting letters, but as a business centre to provide convenience to public.

Traditional Postal Services

• Sale of Stamp • Registered Mail

• Internation Reply Coupon • Locked Bag

• Insured Mail • Deferred Mail

• Air & Sea Parcel • Air & Sea Mail

• Cash on Delivery • Small Packet

• Parcel • Mail

• Private Boxes • Poste Restente

• Post Fax • Philatelic Products

• Registered Letter • Registered Envelope

• Express Mail

Premium Services

• EMS / Speedpost • Poslaju

• Bulk Posting • Business Reply Service (Local & International )

• Unaddressed Mail Drop Services • Corporate Mail

• Franking Machine • Expedite Mail Services

• Recorded Delivery • Pos Gagas

Agency Services

• Telephone Bill • Sale of Telephone Cards

• Payment of Electricity Bill • Payment of Water Bill

• Driving License Renewal Class I and

Class III

Financial Services

• Money Order • Telegram Money Order

• Postal Order

Other Services

• Seasonal Cards • Post Shop

• Information Counter • Literature for the Blind

Post Offices around the country

• Pusat Memproses Mel (MPC)

Berakas • Anggerek Desa

• Muara • Bandar Seri Begawan

• Salambigar • Seri Komplek

• Lumapas • Gadong

• Mata-Mata • Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa

• Sengkurong • Tutong

• Limau Manis • Lamunin

• Telisai • Labi

• Sungai Liang • Kuala Belait

• Seria • Bangar

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