Monday 30 August 2010



 Advertising consists of all the activities involved presenting to a group an oral or visual message regarding a product, service or idea

 Advertising is spread through one or more media and paid by the advertiser who is usually the producer of the product or service

Important of Advertising

1. To the consumer

It helps to inform the consumer about the wide range of products and services available in the market and also their competitive price

2. To the advertiser

 It helps to create market for the advertiser goods, maintained and extended.

 With markets expansion, the goods can be produced on a large scale at lower cost.

 Due to this, producers will earn higher profit while the consumers will benefit from lower consumer price

Purpose of Advertising

1. To Inform

a. Advertising serves to inform the public of the availability of a new product or service which is been sold in the market

b. This is aimed at creating demand for the new product where the new product has to make known to the public before the goods are actually available for sale

c. This type of advertising is called informative advertising where it is not only used to inform people of new product but it is also use to inform people about price change or even how the product works

d. However, it make no attempt at influence people to buy but merely informs the public of the availability of the products, its uses and advantages, price, quality, terms of sale, etc

2. To persuade

a. Advertising also severs to persuade the public to buy some good or services

b. This type of advertising is called persuasive advertising where it is not only informs but also persuades the public to using subtle techniques, into purchasing the product. Its aims at extending the demand of the good or service advertised.

3. To remind

a. Advertising also serves to remind consumers of existing products where the product may be needed in the near future and where to buy the product

b. It is necessary for the advertiser to constantly draw the attention of consumers to his product and away from other competitive brands

c. This type of advertising is called reminder advertising or reinforcement advertising

d. Reminder advertising aims at sustaining the demand for the goods or service advertised

Types of advertising

1. Classified according to the purpose for which it is intended

a. Informative advertising, e.g. informing the public that a certain beverage has been developed with a new taste with additional flavours

b. Persuasive advertising, e.g. persuading consumers that Brand A is superior to other brands because of certain qualities it possesses

c. Reminder advertising, e.g. informing and reminding the public that a certain beverage is the only health drink for children approved by the authorities

2. Classified according to what is being advertised

a. Product advertising is the promotion of a particular product or service e.g. advertising a certain brand of toothpaste

b. Institutional advertising is concerned with the promotion of the image or goodwill of the company that sells the product or service e.g. a certain company informs the public through an advertisement of its contribution to government efforts in keeping the city clean by installing rubbish bins near bus stop

3. Classified as collective or competitive

a. Collective advertising is undertaken by a trade association or an organization of producers for a particular product as a whole, e.g. the milk manufacturers group together to promote their milk as an important nutritious drink for children

The aim of collective advertising is to increase sale of the product as a whole. The cost of collective advertising is low because the whole cost is bear by all the members of their business associations

b. Competitive advertising is carried out by the different producers of the different brands or names of the same product or services. Each producer tries to compete with the other to get a share of the market using techniques that are persuasive and aggressive to achieve his target.

Each producer claims that his product or service is better than the other in terms of quality, performance, durability and economy of use. Example, a motor car company claims that the car it producers is superior to other makers in terms of performance, safety, durability and economy

4. Classified according to the way in which the product or service is advertised

a. Direct advertising is on a person to person basis. It usually used when the advertiser wishes to appeal to a limited number of users of a product
b. Indirect advertising is directed at the general public. It is used when the advertiser does not wish to appeal to a particular group of consumers but rather to the masses through the various media

Methods of Direct Advertising

1. Personal demonstration

To group of consumers at a particular place e.g. holding parties in private homes with the purpose of demonstrating a certain household product or some brand of cosmetics

2. Direct mail advertising

By sending personal letters together with pamphlets to potential customers of a certain product e.g. list of publications of reference books may be sent to schools and libraries or catalogues on surgical instruments may be sent to doctors and hospitals

3. Door to door canvassing

Demonstrate household products like vacuum cleaners, cosmetics, encyclopaedia and so on

Method of Indirect Advertising

1. Press i.e. newspapers, magazines, periodicals which are widely read so that the advertisement will reach a large group of people

2. Radio and television advertisements will have a wide distribution as they are brought into home through daily broadcasts

3. Displays in shop windows and in trade fairs or exhibitions to attract the eye of the general public

4. Outdoor advertisements like signboards, neon lights, posters and hoardings are used to appeal to the public in general

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